Monday, December 30, 2019

Continue...To Find Balance

It's 9 a.m. on December 30, 2019 and all I want to do is:
  • watch a movie and drink coffee
  • read my Bible
  • work a puzzle
  • knit a scarf
  • do yoga
  • make memories with my kids
  • paint 
  • bake something
  • write something
  • read the book I got for Christmas
  • scan social media (kind of, but not really)
  • go back to bed (yesterday was a full day with a late bedtime and I still woke up at 7:00)
  • clean out the kitchen cabinets (time to get rid of the complete set of plastic restaurant cups)
I want to do it all...and I want to do it now! 

I don't know about you, but I feel a sense of urgency in the week after Christmas. The magic of the holiday has ended and I am keenly aware of the looming to-do lists and fast-paced days.  I am afraid if I don't do all the things I want to do in the next few days it will be next Christmas before I have time to do them.  I am looking forward to the new year, the new decade with excitement and faith that this is going to be the best year yet, but I also want to hold on to the slowness, coziness and contentment of the holidays.  Can you relate? 

How do I find a balance? And how do I keep that balance on January 6 when my husband and I return to work and our 16 year old returns to finish out his sophomore year (as college sister lives it up in an empty house as she enjoys one more week of break). 

 My journey in 2019 has taught me that the answer lies in setting goals and creating healthy habits. It's not always easy, it takes perseverance and sometimes it means getting out of my comfort zone. As we journey into 2020 I plan to continue what I started in 2019, and I believe that with a few tweaks I can live daily life with the same peacefulness as I feel on lazy winter break days and so can you! 

Start each day with quietness and gratitude...
My quiet morning time is my favorite time of day. I actually get up at 5 a.m. on school days so that I have an hour to myself before the rest of the family is up (I know it sounds crazy, but quiet time just doesn't work for me at any other time of day). I have my cup of coffee, my Bible, my journal and whatever book I am reading at the time. Spending time in God's word is best way for me to start my day. I don't always read a long passage; sometimes it is just a "Verse of the Day" to copy down and meditate on.  I then move whatever non-fiction book I am reading. I really love a good self-help book! As a life-long learner, I enjoy working on different aspects of my life so that I can be the best version of myself.  I end my quiet time in prayer. This is one way for me to be thankful and set my intentions for the day.  One thing I hope to do better with in the new year is setting and reviewing my goals. I did this occasionally in 2019, but doing it daily never clicked. I think I will start setting weekly goals -long and short term. Maybe on Sunday morning before church, this way I can review them on Saturday when I have a little more time to hurry up and get one or two accomplished if need be! 

Carry the coziness and gratefulness to work...
Honestly, this is where I slip up the most. I have this wonderful haven set up at home where I am surrounded by the people and the things I love. It's easy to be content and love my life here. But my entire life does not (and should not) take place in my house! Like most of you, I have a job that I have to do in order to maintain that cozy set up I have at home. Oh, and there's the fact that I really do enjoy my job! It is part of God's plan for my life, I have no doubt. It is one way he uses me to bless others. The problem lies in the fact that anywhere there are people, conflict is going to arise; disrupting my peaceful vibe. Problems are shared, disagreements occur, bad decisions are made causing disappointment, dreams and ideas are not fully realized or brought to fruition. Any one of these things can kill a good mood. We are not promised an easy life, but we can still live a contented, grateful one. My goal for this area of life as I continue my journey in 2020 is to truly share the things that make a difference for me. Share how God's love allows me to be grateful, even when days are long and nothing seems to be going right. So many times people comment on my kindness and I dismiss it. I want to start giving credit where credit is due. That kindness, that calmness...that is God! There is no way I could keep my cool if it weren't for Him. I want to share the healing power of yoga, breathing and meditation, actually practicing it during those stressful moments and guiding others to do the same rather than to panic and over-react. And I want to grow. I want to focus on how disappointments and things not going my way can still be reason to praise. Maybe not being put in charge of that new thing is just a way to save me from stress I don't need. Maybe conflict is a way for me to practice problem-solving skills and show myself (and others watching me) that I am stronger than I thought. 

Making the most of my time...
Tell me this? How do we live in a world of social media and not let it take over our lives? I really want to know? Seriously, I NEED to know. I struggle with this so much. I know there is good out there on the World Wide Web (is that even how we are supposed to say it anymore?), but there is also so much that sucks away our precious time. Until someone shares the magic formula with me here is what I plan to do in 2020: prioritize my electronic usage. No Facebook or Instagram (my only two social media sites) in the morning until I have done my Bible study, read a book and prayed. If I run out of time before I have checked them?  Oh well, the world most likely will not come to an end! The worse that will happen is that I will spend the day with someone and not be aware that it is their birthday. Once at work, idle usage is usually not a big problem because I have very little down time, personal usage is discouraged and I try to not use data on my phone. If I do have time to read for pleasure I plan to only take time to look at one or two of my favorite blogs. This is much more beneficial than scrolling through photos or posts of people I barely know. Once home is when the challenge begins: I have a real problem with snacking and scrolling. A.REAL. PROBLEM.  

Enter goal number 1: Limit social media site time to 30 minutes a day or less. This means paying attention to the fact that Insta tells me when I have caught up. This means shutting down Facebook when I see something that makes me compare my life to someone else's. My screen time is much better spent reading things that will build me up and writing things that are meant to build others up. 

Goal number 2: Know when to unplug. I profess to be a lover of hygge. If you don't know it, please look it up (or let me loan you a book on it). However, my actions do not always match my words. The hygge life is all about making memories and being present, for me this has to mean getting rid of the distractions. Turning off the tv and making a meal for my family, reading a book, knitting, visiting with a friend (in person), leaving my phone upstairs when we retreat to the basement for family time because there is no reason to look at Facebook during commercials (see, I told you I have a problem!). 

End each day with gratitude...
One thing that I started this fall that I love was to journal three things I was grateful for each night. This is all thanks to a Secret Pal at work. She gifted me a simple journal that is full of pages with quotes about thankfulness and lines for recording what you are grateful for.  I really try to be specific with my three things. Yes, there are days that I am most thankful for coffee, health and a comfy bed. But I want to remember and be thankful for family game night interrupted so that we could all make an enchilada dinner together and how excited Wil was when he had Texas de Brazil for the first time and how it made Avery want to be vegan for life! 

It's now 12:40 on December 30, 2019 and I feel much better. A little more settled and ready to see what the rest of the day holds. What have I done? Since I had already done by Bible study and had my coffee before beginning this, I did a little yoga to center myself and set my intentions. Even though I was nervous, I just jumped in and started this post. Even now, I am tempted to hit publish and not let anyone know I have written it. This goal of mine to write is a scary one. I don't have a ton of experience or training beyond being a Jr. High English teacher for several years, but if I don't try I won't know what is possible. I hope you like what you read. If it builds up one person it was worth it. Now I will probably let this be for a bit while I go make lunch and will give it one more look later before publishing. 

Best wishes to you and yours in 2020. God will do incredible things if we just trust Him and step out in faith. 

Monday, December 23, 2019


As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart. Proverbs 27:19

Whew! What a journey 2019 has been! Challenges, blessings, pain (literally), healing, bravery, forgiveness, presence, change, letting go and finding what I didn't know I needed...

I would like to end this part of my journey by reflecting on what I have learned from my little book-share project:

Be Brave:  You have to be brave if you are going to do what God has for you to do. I could have easily started reading books and putting a book review on Facebook or offering the books to friends and family when I was done. That would have been nice, but it would not have been following what God had planned for me to do.  I believe God wanted me to use my voice this year. He wanted me to speak up and share my journey to bless others. That would not have been possible without the Facebook Live posts.  Oh, how I cringed when I heard my own voice! But, you responded. You were so kind and you were interested in reading some of the books I chose.

Set Goals: If I read about the importance of setting goals once, I must have read it 4 or 5 times this year. We need to set goals. Short-term goals and long-term goals. Goals keep us from becoming complacent. Remember though, goals do not have expiration dates! Here are some of my goals from this year and where I am in meeting them:

1. Write a book (hasn't happened yet, but I am committed to blogging more in 2020 while I search for the right subject. 
2.  Practice yoga. I am doing it at least once a week at the gym and several times a week at home. I am yet to master crow pose, but I will get there!
3.  Paint - I have done it! I was able to finish four small Christmas themed paintings to hang in our home this season. I hope to paint something to hang in the living room this year.
4.  Be more present - I am still working on this one (why is it so hard?).  I leave the phone on a table when doing things with the family much more these days. I realize that not everything has to be captured by a photo. I take a mental picture instead. 

Actions Speak Louder Than Words: I love words. I love reading. I love writing. Words are powerful. What I have found in my studies this year is that the words written on each page are useless unless I put them into practice. Each book had a lesson for me and now, as we near 2020, I have a to continue the work God has started in me: I have to put them into practice:

Just Open The Door, by Jen Schmidt - Practice hospitality. It is more than just inviting people over. I love to bake, so I plan to share my creations with friends and neighbors. 

Girl, Wash Your Face, by Rachel Hollis - Set goals and go after them.  I can't just sit around waiting for things to go my way.

Love Does, by Bob Goff - How can you not want to jump into action after reading this book! Don't just tell people you love them, show them!

100 Days to Brave, by Annie F. Downs - Hands down, one of the best devotionals. Just showed me so many practical ways to be brave, follow God's purpose for my life and reach my goals.

The Road Back to You,  by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile - By understanding myself and others through the enneagram, I will be a better counselor, wife, mother and friend.

Unshakeable Hope, by Max Lucado - When tough times arise (because, they will) I can stand on one of the many promises of God to provide. 

The Power of Habit, by Charles Duhigg - I will continue to change the habits that no longer serve me or my purpose.

Fierce Integrity, by Maren Hasse - I will tell myself and others the truth so that I will have integrity in thought, word and action.

The Little Book of Hygge, by Meik Wiking - This one is the easiest. Continue to surround myself with the people and things that make me happy and share that feeling with others.


Tuesday, November 12, 2019


So, I have to admit I can be a bit scattered at times. I have greams and goals that I really want to accomplish, but life just gets in the way sometimes. Do you ever feel that way?

One of my goals in life is to write a book. I can't focus in on what kind yet, but I decided to start my writing by keeping this blog to go along with my book project this year. If you take a look at the dates on my posts, you can see I am anything but consistent with posting! I am doing my best, though...reading, living life with my loves, and I AM journals!

I have always loved a good journal, writing in them and reading them. I like the idea of a journal more than a diary, because of their function. Journals seem to be a place to chronicle one's life. Back in undergrad I can remember doing a paper on women during the Civil War (I think). I checked out books thst contained letters written notes of daily life kept by various women. How interesting to see what life was really like back then!

When my children were born, I decided to keep a journal for each of them.  I wrote most nights, telling them about the day, sharing memories, making lists of what they receivef for Christmas or birthdays, sharing lessons that I wanted them to learn about the hard times we went through. I plan to give them these journals when they are grown (which I guess is soon for my daughter!).

These days, I keep journals filled with notes on the Books I am reading. Bible studies and sermon notes. Today I started a practice where I am writing for 5 minutes first thing in the morning using "stream of consciousness" writing. I don't exactly know whefe I am headed with it, but I am sure it will be enlightening at some point!

Grab yourself a journal (or if you are so inclined, start a Google doc)today! You don't have to write in it every single day, but you can. Write your goals, your prayers, a reflection of your day or something cute that you kids did. Record a memory.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Live By Example: Honoring My Father and Mother

This post is nearly a month past due.  Life gets in the way, folks. I am still learning how to prioritize my time. I'll get there.

Sunday, August 25, 2019 ended up being a rainy day, but that did not deter the crowd that gathered in the fellowship hall of my parents church. Months and months of planning and worrying if it would all go off without a hitch were now over and I watched in awe as family and friends from my small hometown wandered in to shower love upon the honored couple.  Hugs and laughter all around, small pockets of people sat the the tables scattered around the room visiting for the full hour and a half that we had reserved to celebrate Mom and Dad just 3 days after their 50th wedding anniversary. So much love in that room. Lifetimes of friendship and memories. Pure joy on faces as people caught up since the last time they saw each other...For some it had been years; for some it had been since church got out at 11:00 a.m. but the sentiment was the same.

My parents aren't perfect. In all honesty, I say this only because I understand that no one is; as I tend to be one of those people who focuses on the best in those I love, not the worst. My parents have lived the last 50 years blessing others. I've only been around to witness 46 of those years, but I take it on faith that they were doing it the 4 years before I arrived.  Each of them built their life's work around helping people. Dad is a retired educator and Mom was a school secretary, except for the period of time when she babysat in our home.  They teach Sunday school, pick up anyone who needs a ride to church, they rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn. You get sick, have surgery or a death in the family, my mom will have a big pot of spaghetti to you lickety split! You need help with repairs around your house, my Dad will be there. Many times growing up I watched as they paid for someone's groceries or gave to a fund to help someone who had fallen on hard times. Sacrifice...that's the word I am looking for. They sacrificed (and continue to do so) their time and money and for others. Why? I know the answer even though I don't think I have ever asked them...that is what God would have them to do.  Use what God has blessed you with to bless others (talent, money, time - all of it).

 And here is what I have noticed, that blessing comes back around. My parents have not had a trouble free life. None of us are promised that. But they have continued to be blessed. When they helped others, our family never went without what we needed. They gave (and continue to give) of their time but are now enjoying their retirement years having weekly coffee and breakfast at McDonald's, traveling when they choose and watching whatever they want on t.v. when they decide to sit at home. And when they celebrated 50 years, people showed up and rejoiced with them.  Precious friends helped us plan the celebration. They poured over a photo album reminiscing over the good times they'd shared. They told my brother and I how much they love our parents and how much they mean to them. 

"Be the hands and feet of Jesus" is not a phrase I heard in my childhood like I do today, but I realize now it was an example that was set for me every single day. I pray that my husband and I are following in their footsteps, even if it is just a little bit.  Thanks, Mom and Dad.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Helper

I am "the helper." This word has been on my heart for about 8 months.  When it first came to mind, I had no idea I will begin studying the Enneagram and find out that my type was literally known as "the helper," or that I would be reading 100 Days to Brave, by Annie F. Downs and exploring my calling; but when I think of what I do and what I want to do, I have trouble finding a more accurate word to describe myself. So now that I am committed to this role (calling as some may see it) how do I live it out?

I play a ton of roles on a daily basis: wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, counselor, educator, Christian (actually, place that word in front of each of the rest!)...each provides me an opportunity to be a helper and I love that! I love that I am a helper to my husband as he leads our family and provides for us. I love that I help my children navigate young adulthood. I get to go to work and help and encourage students as they journey through their lives and plan for their future.  I get to help my parents who set the example of being helpers for my brother and I. I get to help where help is needed. Is this always an easy task? NOPE! Is it a role that gets me tons of praise? Absolutely not, and I am working on being okay with that. When I choose to be a helper, I am not doing it for the praise or because it is the easiest thing for me to do. I am doing it because I truly believe it is what God has called me to do where I am, with what I have.

Here's the coolest thing about being a helper: I have a HELPER with me daily. God has sent His Spirit to be with me, to guide me and help me help others.  When I became a counselor, I thought that it was comforting to remember that Jesus was all about helping people. The old hymn Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus is To Me  even names Him a counselor:

Wonderful, wonderful 
Jesus is to me
Counselor, Prince of Peace
Mighty God is He
Saving me, keeping me
From my sin and shame
Wonderful is My Redeemer 
Praise His Name!*

Now full disclosure, I looked up the words this morning to make sure I got them just right and found I have been singing this song around the house and getting it a little bit wrong! I was actually singing "Helping Me, Keeping Me" instead of "Saving Me"! I will pray forgiveness, but I really think helping me fits too (although the saving part is more important). 

So today, on the first day of the 2nd week of school, I prepare my heart and mind (and body with a big ole' cup of coffee) to go out and be a helper. It is not the most glamorous of jobs, but it is an important one that I take on gladly and thankfully. 

Before I go...Check out this cool coffee cup that I got from a site call "Enneagram and Coffee"! Thanks to my sweet daughter for telling me about them! It sits on my desk at work as a reminder of my calling.

*Lyrics found at

Thursday, August 1, 2019

July/August Books

Ending the summer with a couple of Beach Reads (actually get to read them on the beach this year!). "The Summer of Chasing Dreams" is one I found on a Google list that just sounded good to me. "Party Girl" is by Rachel Hollis, the author of last month's book that I loved. After reading of the how this novel came about, I just had to read it. I love my non-fiction books that help me be a better me, but I also believe in the power of losing yourself in a fun, easy read.  It feels great to escape for a time into another world.

My non-fiction picks are "Love Does" by Bob Goff and a devotional book called "100 Days of Brave".  Goff's book is one I have had recommended on several years ago and just haven't gotten around to reading. To be honest, it was just a time in life when I was not prioritizing working on myself. I was deep in raising kids, earning a Master's and being a good wife. I believed I had little time for "reading for pleasure." I came across this title again recently and mentioned it to my daughter, she was adamant that I had to read it. She said everyone on her college campus was obsessed with Bob Goff. Not that I am trying to keep up with the college kids, but I wanted to see what all the fuss was about! I chose the devotional book because I like to be armed with a good one when school starts back. This one follows along some of the things I learned in "Girl, Wash Your Face" and it has journal prompts!!!

Putting It Into Practice

What a wonderful summer I have had!  I won't call it done yet because even though I am back to work, the kids are still out. So, for another week I will keep the summer in my heart and carry on with a more relaxed pace. However, something has become increasingly clear to me in the last week and a half: Now is the time to see what I am really made of. I have to take all the knowledge I have gained about myself, my dreams and goals and loving others and put it into practice. YIKES!!!!

It is so easy to make plans for how I will react to certain situations as I sit in my beloved worn in recliner with my coffee next to me. It is totally different when I am at work with people who don't know or care that I have been reading all of these great books trying to better myself. When I feel annoyed, or unappreciated, or forgotten...that is when the true test comes. Can I really live this life I want for myself?

I bought a coffee mug (coffee if my favorite!) a couple years ago that has a simple statement on it: Live the Story You Want To Tell. That statement has stayed with me. I use this favorite cup weekly and I even made the statement my tag line at the bottom of my work email. You know that little saying you see after people's name, that thing. I don't know if anyone else has paid attention to it, but I like knowing that I am sharing this great truth with the world. We can't just say we are going to be good people, we have to live it! Isn't that what Jesus has called us to do?

So as I go to work and the grocery store today I will live the story I want to tell. A story of a helper who happily rejoices in living a Holy, healthy, healing, hopeful, happy, hospitable,  hard-working, honest, honourable, hygge(y) way of life. I won't kid myself. It will be tough some days, but I will keep faith in the God who created me to be me and I will Live the Story I Want to Tell.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Catching Up on the Books

I promise this post will not be as long as the last! Just wanted to mention my latest reading material! In April, May, June I read 3 books and started my current one about 2 weeks ago. I have done Facebook live book talks on most of them and plan to do another later this week. Here are the books!

Fasting, Smoothie Bowls and Summer

So clearly I have a ways to go before becoming a serious blogger! I had no idea I haf not posted in 4 months. But life does sometimes get in the way of the best intentions. As I continue on this journey of intentional living, healing and self-realization I am learning to keep my commitments to myself so I hope to do better with my posting here.

Fasting...Intermittent Fasting, that is, has been a game changer for me. After my back issues started to ease I knew I had to get rid of some weight (or a lot of weight if I am being honest) to take pressure off my joints. I tried my go-to clean eating, but it just wasn't cutting it this time. I LOVE bread and I LOVE sweets (refined sugar and all) so the thought that I would give them up for good...not gonna happen. Somewhere along the way, my hubby mentioned that someone from work was doing intermittent fasting and only ate between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. While I applauded the dedication of anyone who could go that long without food, I dismissed it as a possibility because I was not about to skip my beloved Arbonne smoothie for breakfast. Fastforward to mid-March when we returned from Spring break and I saw myself in the pictures. Oh Mama! Bad, bad, bad. I decided right then and there that as soon as I had dinner that night, I was starting IF.  I started with gusto and only ate from 11 or 12 until dinner for a week and then emailed a friend to tell her of my endeavor (she is super great at encouragement so I knew she wouldn't tell me I had lost my mind). The next day I got a response and, low and behold, she was doing IF too! She told me about an awesome book called "Delay Don't Deny" that had helped her on her journey. I immediately added to my reading list and haven't looked back. Most days I do a 20:4 fast (Fasting 20 hours and eating what I want I a 4 hour window). Today my friend and I are doing a full day fast together. It is tough here in hour 23, but I am not breaking my commitment to my friend or myself. I feel great doing IF, I am losing some weight (marathon style, not a sprint) and my body is trimmer and leaner than in a long time!

Because I have chosen the IF way of life, I now make sure I eat the things I enjoy. This doesn't mean Diary Queen burgers and blizzards for every meal (but I won't deny that I enjoy them on occasion). It means that I choose foods that taste great and are made with the best ingredients. Enter smoothie bowls. I am way late on joining the group of folks that swear by these amazing concoctions, but I am in love! As I said earlier, I was hesitant to try IF because I did not want to give up my smoothies. Smoothie Bowls provide me a healthy way to open my eating window with plenty of protein and vitamins from fresh fruits and veggies. I am enjoying playing around with the recipes and have a little work to do before becoming a smoothie bowl "artist" but here are a couple of pics. The top is a mixed berry with chocolate, coconut, berries and granola on top and the bottom is peanut butter and banana!

Oh, how I love summer! As an educator, summer is a time for me to rest, relax and reset. Time to explore new interests or re-visit hobbies I've put to the side (painting!). Time to really focus on becoming my best self.  This summer I have made and am making (I officially have 2 weeks of summer break remaining) changes that I plan to keeping for the rest of my days. 

Monday, February 25, 2019

Sunday Afternoon Pie

This post is a week (and one day) late due to our house being overtaken by a general case of "yuck". Last week, while shopping at a big box store, my husband and I came to a table of baked goods. We had just eaten, so there was no reason for us to be so tempted by the sugary, carb-loaded goodness before us...but we were. I maintained all the will-power I had when we looked at the chocolate bundt cake and brownies and then he saw it --the biggest pecan pie I had ever seen. He wanted so badly to buy it, but I said "No! If you want pecan pie I will make you one!"

You see, pecans have a special place in my heart (if a nut is allowed such a place). I have memories of picking up pecans with my Granny at my grandparents house on the family farm when I was a child. We always had pecans in the freezer. I don't ever remember my mom buying any at the grocery store. When I got married, I got my own freezer bag of cracked pecans. When Blake and I were first married, as he left for work one summer day he made a comment about me making him a pie. I don't remember exactly what he said, but I did it. I made him a homemade pecan pie and he was so surprised! He loved it and a love of baking was born.

Over the years I have made pies for Thanksgiving or just here and there throughout the year when we needed some special dessert to hit the spot. Always completely homemade, crust and all. I am a messy baker and my pies aren't always pretty, but they usually taste pretty good and are a labor of love.

So on a cold Sunday afternoon, I sat in front of the television and watched a Hallmark movie while I shelled pecans for my pie. I have to say, it might be the prettiest one I have made in a while. Pie and coffee with my boys...just perfect. A bit of hygge -- a cozy moment surrounded by people and things that I love.

Books 2 and 3

The Book Share Experiment has gotten off to a great start! I still get super nervous and hyper-critical about my Live Posts, but everyone is so kind with their comments! So far, two books have been finished and sent to the next reader. I can't wait to get word that they have been passed along! My dream is one day seeing one of the books and reading the messages written inside the covers by each of the readers. Just to see that journey sounds amazing.

Below are pictures of Books 2 and 3.  My first two books of the year were non-fiction, so I decided to go with a fiction read for Book 3.  When I announced it on Facebook, I received mixed reviews so I am excited to see what I think.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Word 1 and Book Share

Each year, I join the masses and set a New Year's Resolution. Some years I do better than others. The last few years, I have made my resolutions more general: "get in shape", "be healthy", "be more kind and generous".  This year was no exception, I do want to work on becoming the best version of myself but I also want to practice self-care so that I can take better care of those I love.

 I define "self-care" as taking care of myself: body, mind and soul. The body part is easier said than done. I love my gym and up until Christmas could be found there 4-5 days a week. Since making my resolution, I have been out of commission, suffering from sciatica, which has kept me from being able to walk across a room without help, much less attend a cycle class. Now not being able to exercise regularly means that eating healthy is even more important, but guess what? Being injured makes me want to eat! I guess I am taking full advantage of all that "comfort food"! I am happy to say that I have got the eating under control and am slowly starting to be able to walk longer distances, but I have a long way to go. This leads me to the self-care for mind and soul. I haven't been able to attend regular church services (not able to walk) so I have relied on online services, Bible reading, prayer and devotional books to feed my soul (and mind). Since reading can be good for mind and soul I decided to read at least 12 books this year: one for each of my 12 words. I love books. Reading online is great, but nothing is better than turning the pages and seeing how far you have read or how much you have left. My dilemma, however, is I have LOTS of books and so do my husband and children...a whole room full to be exact. I did not need to add 12 more, so my Book Share was born. With the encouragement of my daughter, I faced a huge fear and took to social media to do a "Facebook Live" sharing my idea. I would read at least one book each month and then do a book talk on Facebook when finished and offer up the book to whomever wanted to read it. AND. IT. WORKED!!!

Book #1 was "Just Open the Door" by Jen Schmidt. It was not the book I wanted to start with, but I believe God sent me to it. As I searched a local bookstore for a book on a different topic, I saw this book at every turn. I reluctantly bought the book on HOSPITALITY expecting to feel ashamed of myself for not being more hospitable. Boy, was I wrong. It was such a blessing. Yes, it stepped on my toes a bit. But it taught me the difference in hospitality and entertaining and gave me grace. I now have so many ideas for be hospitable in every aspect of my life. I did the book talk a few days ago and 3 people have already asked to read it. I know people can go out and buy their own copy and that is fine, but I want to use this experiment to bless people. Each time someone finishes the book, they will write a blessing for the next reader with the date they finished. I pray that one day I will see this book again and the covers will be filled with blessings and well wishes.

A Word on Words

Words...they are so important. They can harm, they can help, they build you up or tear down. It's been said that words are like the toothpaste in the tube; once they are out they can't be put back. We've all felt the power of words. Many years ago, I noticed a scripture that has become one of my favorites and one I strive to live by.  Ephesians 4:29 says, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Now, do I live this verse faithfully everyday? No way. I fall short so many times. I get my feelings hurt or get angry and say things that definitely are not good for building up...and then I feel guilty! The further I journey in life the more I learn to choose my words wisely. My words don't have to be many. It's okay, preferable even,  to listen more than I speak (I really struggle with this one sometimes).  I want my words to mean something. To benefit those who hear them.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Word(s) for 2019

Shortly after Christmas each year, I get excited to log on to social media and see what words my friends and family are choosing for "their word" for the upcoming year. People share the share and why they chose it. Most of the time it has something to do with a goal or resolution, something to help them be better in the new year. As I read the words others have chosen I normally am trying to decide on what word I will share as "my word of the year."

Choosing my word is not always an easy task.  Is it okay to choose the same word as someone else? Will people think my word is a good word? Will it be a word that I can really embrace or will I forget about it before January ends? SO many things to consider and choosing a word for 2019 was no different.  So, I did something I always do, I prayed for guidance in choosing my word and the funniest thing word became two and two became three. Before I knew it, I had 9 words on my heart and that is when I decided that 2019 would be the year of 12 words; one for each month.

The first word that came to me was "Helper". I had studied it in a devotional in December as my role in my marriage. I also identify with it in my role as a counselor. They came "Hygge". Not a biblical word (they don't have to be, do they?), but one that I love. The feeling of coziness and being surrounded by things and people I love. Then I thought off  "Healthy" because I was not feeling very good between Christmas and New Year's and longed to be healthy again. Notice a pattern? I did, they all started with the letter "H"! No, it isn't my favorite letter. It was pure coincidence, but I was intrigued. What other "H-words" could I embrace for 2019? After a little soul searching and help from Google, I had 12 words that I believed could help me become the best version of myself. One for each month or all 12 all year, no matter the time. Written with a Sharpie on a random canvas found in a messy cabinet. It's not perfect and that's fine. It's my reminder to live these words every day.