I play a ton of roles on a daily basis: wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, counselor, educator, Christian (actually, place that word in front of each of the rest!)...each provides me an opportunity to be a helper and I love that! I love that I am a helper to my husband as he leads our family and provides for us. I love that I help my children navigate young adulthood. I get to go to work and help and encourage students as they journey through their lives and plan for their future. I get to help my parents who set the example of being helpers for my brother and I. I get to help where help is needed. Is this always an easy task? NOPE! Is it a role that gets me tons of praise? Absolutely not, and I am working on being okay with that. When I choose to be a helper, I am not doing it for the praise or because it is the easiest thing for me to do. I am doing it because I truly believe it is what God has called me to do where I am, with what I have.
Here's the coolest thing about being a helper: I have a HELPER with me daily. God has sent His Spirit to be with me, to guide me and help me help others. When I became a counselor, I thought that it was comforting to remember that Jesus was all about helping people. The old hymn Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus is To Me even names Him a counselor:
Wonderful, wonderful
Jesus is to me
Counselor, Prince of Peace
Mighty God is He
Saving me, keeping me
From my sin and shame
Wonderful is My Redeemer
Praise His Name!*
Now full disclosure, I looked up the words this morning to make sure I got them just right and found I have been singing this song around the house and getting it a little bit wrong! I was actually singing "Helping Me, Keeping Me" instead of "Saving Me"! I will pray forgiveness, but I really think helping me fits too (although the saving part is more important).
So today, on the first day of the 2nd week of school, I prepare my heart and mind (and body with a big ole' cup of coffee) to go out and be a helper. It is not the most glamorous of jobs, but it is an important one that I take on gladly and thankfully.
Before I go...Check out this cool coffee cup that I got from a site call "Enneagram and Coffee"! Thanks to my sweet daughter for telling me about them! It sits on my desk at work as a reminder of my calling.
*Lyrics found at https://gospelchoruses.wordpress.com
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