Monday, August 19, 2019

The Helper

I am "the helper." This word has been on my heart for about 8 months.  When it first came to mind, I had no idea I will begin studying the Enneagram and find out that my type was literally known as "the helper," or that I would be reading 100 Days to Brave, by Annie F. Downs and exploring my calling; but when I think of what I do and what I want to do, I have trouble finding a more accurate word to describe myself. So now that I am committed to this role (calling as some may see it) how do I live it out?

I play a ton of roles on a daily basis: wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, counselor, educator, Christian (actually, place that word in front of each of the rest!)...each provides me an opportunity to be a helper and I love that! I love that I am a helper to my husband as he leads our family and provides for us. I love that I help my children navigate young adulthood. I get to go to work and help and encourage students as they journey through their lives and plan for their future.  I get to help my parents who set the example of being helpers for my brother and I. I get to help where help is needed. Is this always an easy task? NOPE! Is it a role that gets me tons of praise? Absolutely not, and I am working on being okay with that. When I choose to be a helper, I am not doing it for the praise or because it is the easiest thing for me to do. I am doing it because I truly believe it is what God has called me to do where I am, with what I have.

Here's the coolest thing about being a helper: I have a HELPER with me daily. God has sent His Spirit to be with me, to guide me and help me help others.  When I became a counselor, I thought that it was comforting to remember that Jesus was all about helping people. The old hymn Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus is To Me  even names Him a counselor:

Wonderful, wonderful 
Jesus is to me
Counselor, Prince of Peace
Mighty God is He
Saving me, keeping me
From my sin and shame
Wonderful is My Redeemer 
Praise His Name!*

Now full disclosure, I looked up the words this morning to make sure I got them just right and found I have been singing this song around the house and getting it a little bit wrong! I was actually singing "Helping Me, Keeping Me" instead of "Saving Me"! I will pray forgiveness, but I really think helping me fits too (although the saving part is more important). 

So today, on the first day of the 2nd week of school, I prepare my heart and mind (and body with a big ole' cup of coffee) to go out and be a helper. It is not the most glamorous of jobs, but it is an important one that I take on gladly and thankfully. 

Before I go...Check out this cool coffee cup that I got from a site call "Enneagram and Coffee"! Thanks to my sweet daughter for telling me about them! It sits on my desk at work as a reminder of my calling.

*Lyrics found at

Thursday, August 1, 2019

July/August Books

Ending the summer with a couple of Beach Reads (actually get to read them on the beach this year!). "The Summer of Chasing Dreams" is one I found on a Google list that just sounded good to me. "Party Girl" is by Rachel Hollis, the author of last month's book that I loved. After reading of the how this novel came about, I just had to read it. I love my non-fiction books that help me be a better me, but I also believe in the power of losing yourself in a fun, easy read.  It feels great to escape for a time into another world.

My non-fiction picks are "Love Does" by Bob Goff and a devotional book called "100 Days of Brave".  Goff's book is one I have had recommended on several years ago and just haven't gotten around to reading. To be honest, it was just a time in life when I was not prioritizing working on myself. I was deep in raising kids, earning a Master's and being a good wife. I believed I had little time for "reading for pleasure." I came across this title again recently and mentioned it to my daughter, she was adamant that I had to read it. She said everyone on her college campus was obsessed with Bob Goff. Not that I am trying to keep up with the college kids, but I wanted to see what all the fuss was about! I chose the devotional book because I like to be armed with a good one when school starts back. This one follows along some of the things I learned in "Girl, Wash Your Face" and it has journal prompts!!!

Putting It Into Practice

What a wonderful summer I have had!  I won't call it done yet because even though I am back to work, the kids are still out. So, for another week I will keep the summer in my heart and carry on with a more relaxed pace. However, something has become increasingly clear to me in the last week and a half: Now is the time to see what I am really made of. I have to take all the knowledge I have gained about myself, my dreams and goals and loving others and put it into practice. YIKES!!!!

It is so easy to make plans for how I will react to certain situations as I sit in my beloved worn in recliner with my coffee next to me. It is totally different when I am at work with people who don't know or care that I have been reading all of these great books trying to better myself. When I feel annoyed, or unappreciated, or forgotten...that is when the true test comes. Can I really live this life I want for myself?

I bought a coffee mug (coffee if my favorite!) a couple years ago that has a simple statement on it: Live the Story You Want To Tell. That statement has stayed with me. I use this favorite cup weekly and I even made the statement my tag line at the bottom of my work email. You know that little saying you see after people's name, that thing. I don't know if anyone else has paid attention to it, but I like knowing that I am sharing this great truth with the world. We can't just say we are going to be good people, we have to live it! Isn't that what Jesus has called us to do?

So as I go to work and the grocery store today I will live the story I want to tell. A story of a helper who happily rejoices in living a Holy, healthy, healing, hopeful, happy, hospitable,  hard-working, honest, honourable, hygge(y) way of life. I won't kid myself. It will be tough some days, but I will keep faith in the God who created me to be me and I will Live the Story I Want to Tell.