Each year, I join the masses and set a New Year's Resolution. Some years I do better than others. The last few years, I have made my resolutions more general: "get in shape", "be healthy", "be more kind and generous". This year was no exception, I do want to work on becoming the best version of myself but I also want to practice self-care so that I can take better care of those I love.
I define "self-care" as taking care of myself: body, mind and soul. The body part is easier said than done. I love my gym and up until Christmas could be found there 4-5 days a week. Since making my resolution, I have been out of commission, suffering from sciatica, which has kept me from being able to walk across a room without help, much less attend a cycle class. Now not being able to exercise regularly means that eating healthy is even more important, but guess what? Being injured makes me want to eat! I guess I am taking full advantage of all that "comfort food"! I am happy to say that I have got the eating under control and am slowly starting to be able to walk longer distances, but I have a long way to go. This leads me to the self-care for mind and soul. I haven't been able to attend regular church services (not able to walk) so I have relied on online services, Bible reading, prayer and devotional books to feed my soul (and mind). Since reading can be good for mind and soul I decided to read at least 12 books this year: one for each of my 12 words. I love books. Reading online is great, but nothing is better than turning the pages and seeing how far you have read or how much you have left. My dilemma, however, is I have LOTS of books and so do my husband and children...a whole room full to be exact. I did not need to add 12 more, so my Book Share was born. With the encouragement of my daughter, I faced a huge fear and took to social media to do a "Facebook Live" sharing my idea. I would read at least one book each month and then do a book talk on Facebook when finished and offer up the book to whomever wanted to read it. AND. IT. WORKED!!!
Book #1 was "Just Open the Door" by Jen Schmidt. It was not the book I wanted to start with, but I believe God sent me to it. As I searched a local bookstore for a book on a different topic, I saw this book at every turn. I reluctantly bought the book on HOSPITALITY expecting to feel ashamed of myself for not being more hospitable. Boy, was I wrong. It was such a blessing. Yes, it stepped on my toes a bit. But it taught me the difference in hospitality and entertaining and gave me grace. I now have so many ideas for be hospitable in every aspect of my life. I did the book talk a few days ago and 3 people have already asked to read it. I know people can go out and buy their own copy and that is fine, but I want to use this experiment to bless people. Each time someone finishes the book, they will write a blessing for the next reader with the date they finished. I pray that one day I will see this book again and the covers will be filled with blessings and well wishes.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
A Word on Words
Words...they are so important. They can harm, they can help, they build you up or tear down. It's been said that words are like the toothpaste in the tube; once they are out they can't be put back. We've all felt the power of words. Many years ago, I noticed a scripture that has become one of my favorites and one I strive to live by. Ephesians 4:29 says, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Now, do I live this verse faithfully everyday? No way. I fall short so many times. I get my feelings hurt or get angry and say things that definitely are not good for building up...and then I feel guilty! The further I journey in life the more I learn to choose my words wisely. My words don't have to be many. It's okay, preferable even, to listen more than I speak (I really struggle with this one sometimes). I want my words to mean something. To benefit those who hear them.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Word(s) for 2019
Shortly after Christmas each year, I get excited to log on to social media and see what words my friends and family are choosing for "their word" for the upcoming year. People share the share and why they chose it. Most of the time it has something to do with a goal or resolution, something to help them be better in the new year. As I read the words others have chosen I normally am trying to decide on what word I will share as "my word of the year."
Choosing my word is not always an easy task. Is it okay to choose the same word as someone else? Will people think my word is a good word? Will it be a word that I can really embrace or will I forget about it before January ends? SO many things to consider and choosing a word for 2019 was no different. So, I did something I always do, I prayed for guidance in choosing my word and the funniest thing happened...one word became two and two became three. Before I knew it, I had 9 words on my heart and that is when I decided that 2019 would be the year of 12 words; one for each month.
The first word that came to me was "Helper". I had studied it in a devotional in December as my role in my marriage. I also identify with it in my role as a counselor. They came "Hygge". Not a biblical word (they don't have to be, do they?), but one that I love. The feeling of coziness and being surrounded by things and people I love. Then I thought off "Healthy" because I was not feeling very good between Christmas and New Year's and longed to be healthy again. Notice a pattern? I did, they all started with the letter "H"! No, it isn't my favorite letter. It was pure coincidence, but I was intrigued. What other "H-words" could I embrace for 2019? After a little soul searching and help from Google, I had 12 words that I believed could help me become the best version of myself. One for each month or all 12 all year, no matter the time. Written with a Sharpie on a random canvas found in a messy cabinet. It's not perfect and that's fine. It's my reminder to live these words every day.
Choosing my word is not always an easy task. Is it okay to choose the same word as someone else? Will people think my word is a good word? Will it be a word that I can really embrace or will I forget about it before January ends? SO many things to consider and choosing a word for 2019 was no different. So, I did something I always do, I prayed for guidance in choosing my word and the funniest thing happened...one word became two and two became three. Before I knew it, I had 9 words on my heart and that is when I decided that 2019 would be the year of 12 words; one for each month.
The first word that came to me was "Helper". I had studied it in a devotional in December as my role in my marriage. I also identify with it in my role as a counselor. They came "Hygge". Not a biblical word (they don't have to be, do they?), but one that I love. The feeling of coziness and being surrounded by things and people I love. Then I thought off "Healthy" because I was not feeling very good between Christmas and New Year's and longed to be healthy again. Notice a pattern? I did, they all started with the letter "H"! No, it isn't my favorite letter. It was pure coincidence, but I was intrigued. What other "H-words" could I embrace for 2019? After a little soul searching and help from Google, I had 12 words that I believed could help me become the best version of myself. One for each month or all 12 all year, no matter the time. Written with a Sharpie on a random canvas found in a messy cabinet. It's not perfect and that's fine. It's my reminder to live these words every day.
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